212 Kearny Ave. Kearny, NJ | 07032

Melvin Pipe Reed (The Blue One)

SKU PR-ME Category



Melvin reeds are designed to deliver “precision sound.” These shoulder-cut reeds sound as crisp and clean as they look and pair well with a wide range of chanters. An accomplished piper, teacher, and adjudicator, read maker Adrian Melvin knows how a great chanter reed needs to perform. Melvin reeds are made in the U.S.A.

This reed has a brass tube staple which has a punchier sound and slightly sharper High G and High A.

In stock

Colin likes to test every reed we sell for the proper strength. Sometimes he is not immediately available, so we are giving you the option to wait for him, or ship ASAP and gamble with the strength of the reed.

For questions or more information, please call:
Telephone: 201-998-3695

The Piper's Cove